[AARA] YAESU FT-2000 & Antennas for Sale

Herman Campbell kn5grk at lusfiber.net
Thu May 9 07:26:04 CDT 2013

*YAESU FT-2000 & Antennas for Sale*

My Name is Louis Arton Jr , I am KE5GLB.   I am a General Class 
Operator.   I was in your club but had gotten so ill I could not join no 
longer and now I do not want to,
  but I must sell off all my radio station.  I have the Yaesu FT-2000 
100W and the SP-2000 Speaker for it.  This this was gotten in Dec of 
last year, the DMU-2000 which is the Scope and with this I have 3 
Antennas.  The 1st. is my main which is the Multi-Band 160-10Meter 
DXE-MBVE-1.   I just got it in December of last year also, its just 
months old.
I also have a 4 Element Beam and a AR-10.  I have inclosed pictures of 
all of it. This is all like brand new and I hate doing this, but I need 
the money for my med bills.
I have a video on Youtube called Yaesu FT-2000/SP-2000/DMU-2000 - 3 
antennas and more, but if you find some one that would like to see it, 
this is on Youtube and
I am also letting 2 wall maps and 100ft. of LMR400 and my handheld 
Kenwood TH-D7 go. The only thing with the TH-D7 is that it needs a 
battery but I have the mic and Quick Charger that goes with it all of 
this. It is well over $5000.00 and all I am asking for my whole radio 
station is $2600.00. If any one would know anymore, please let them know
for I am really in need. I have included some pictures thanks.

My phone number is (337)364-9286 this is New Iberia thanks.

Yaesu FT-2000
SP-2000 Speaker
DMU-2000 Scope

DXE-MBVE-1  Multi-band 160-10 metervertical antenna

AR-10 2 meter vertical

4  Element Beam ( not pictured)
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