[AARA] Ham Operators Equipment for sale

Herman Campbell kn5grk at lusfiber.net
Sat Jul 29 10:49:34 CDT 2023

I have a ham (KI5WIL) from Thibodaux who passed a few months ago and his 
wife is looking to sell some
equipment and was wondering if you could pass this on to your members.

If you want pictures and prices , Let me know and I’ll be glad to send 
them. Let me know if someone makes
an offer. If not too low I will consider it. We are non smokers.

Powerwerk SS30DV power supply ($100)
Isobar Tripp.lite bar 4-GS ($40)
ARRL antenna Book (2021 copyright $30)
MFJ 260-c (N connection) 300 watt dummy Load ($60)
Unknown manufacturer miniature key ($25)

Additional photos are available.  Equipment worked a few months ago when 
put into storage before his death.

Contact Ms. Jane Brieden at lalady01 at yahoo.com or phone at (985)991-1741

Yaesu FT991 like new, comes with hand mike, books, purchased cheat sheet 
guide and cables.
$950 also comes with two dipoles, a  HFEDZ brand and a homebrew 6 meter 
wire antenna.

MFJ-4225MV  $100

         MFJ 249 D   $150

         MFJ 259B  $150
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